Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Only This and Nothing More

It is mid-afternoon on Loon Lake in Rangeley, Maine, on a hot summer day.  

I lift my head ever so gently from the float’s pillow and see the sunlight shimmering on the slow moving waves coming across the lake in front of me.  I close my eyes dreamily and reopen.  

The green of the pine trees lining the lake is vivid; the bright blue of the sky, brilliant with white/gray cumulous clouds ever so slowly moving east.  Eight loons – yes, eight, something unheard of – glide together in a pack not far from where I float.  They’ve been near our dock and our end of the lake all day.  I wonder why.  What about today has drawn them so peacefully to this area and made them linger here so long?  

It’s the day.  It’s the time, the place.  

I am relaxed with a depth I almost never experience.  The beauty, the sun’s shimmer and warmth, the calm, nature, quiet – I am immensely grateful for right here, right now, needing only this and nothing more. 

Photo:  Loon Lake, Rangeley, Maine